7.21 — 8.11
Sundays @ 8:30A, 9:45a, 11:15A

where church and movies meet.

Church + Movies

Our biggest series of the summer is beginning on Sunday, July 21 — Popcorn & Movies! In this series, we’ll be using modern movies to illustrate biblical truths. Each Sunday, join us for some snacks and drinks in the lobby, worship, and a movie message made especially for Velocity.

This series will be running on Sundays from July 21 to August 11 at 8:30a, 9:45a, and 11:15a service times. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Velocity Kids

While you're enjoying Popcorn & Movies in our auditorium, Velocity Kids will be having a blast with their own movie messages made especially for them! Each Sunday, your kids will be taught biblical truths by our dedicated Team and have lots of fun along the way. At Velocity Kids, we're investing in the future and the next generation. Learn more here!

Who Are You Inviting?

This is a great series to invite friends and family! We have three different services happening each Sunday at 8:30a, 9:45a, 11:15a, because we want to make room for everyone. Start inviting the people in your life to come sit with you at Popcorn & Movies. You never know the amazing life change on the other side of an invite.

Stay Connected!

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @velocitychurch so you can stay up-to-date on our Popcorn & Movies series, as well as all the other exciting things happening at Velocity! You'll get to see highlights from each Sunday, encouragement for your week, and participate in some contests as we share some hints for the movie for each week.