Groups Discussion Guide

Read Scripture. Go Deeper. Ask Questions. Take Action.

Pastor Justin Jenkins

A Holy Place


Acts 2:1-4, 8

1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

Main Idea

We know people matter to God but places matter just as much. The places we go and stay determine what we see, hear, learn and the people who influence us. In Acts chapter 2 people are gathered in a place together where the Holy Spirit then comes on them. There is POWER in that place There is power in every place God is and that means especially church. The church goes beyond a brick-and-mortar building, it’s the gathering of God’s people. Where we gather is a HOLY PLACE. We have so much potential that can’t be utilized or understood until we’re in the right place. At times we have to decide to leave some places behind and seek out new places to see what God really has planned for us. Only there will we flourish in our faith.

God is not UberEats. We must prioritize being in God's presence.

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever found yourself in a place that isn’t helping, but hindering you? How can this relate to our spiritual journey to find holy places?
  2. What places should you be seeking?
  3. Talk about tangible ways to get out of the places without God’s power, provision, and purpose and into those that are Holy.


There is Power in a Place.

  • We can’t grow in the ways we need to if we’re in the wrong places. The right place has the power of God’s healing, forgiveness, wisdom, love. The wrong places will take all of that from us. 

There is Provision in a Place.

  • God will provide for us but action is required on our part. We must GO to the places He has called us to in order to receive His provisions. 

There is Purpose in a Place.

  • Just as every room in our home serves a different purpose, so do the places God has for us to go. If we put ourselves in HOLY places we can be healed, instructed, and equipped for where God wants us to be next. 

Take Action

    • Complete the 3-day reading plan “The Church: Life Together” in the YouVersion Bible app.
    • View the new, and current SZN guide at Read the Scriptures and pray about what God has for you in this SZN: A Holy Place.


  • Velocity Youth parent meeting Jan 26 at 2pm